Saturday 29 December 2012

Front cover - version two


  1. I think the changes you have made are great. I like that you've kept the same colours, they're quite neutral and don't make things look too busy. There is still however quite a lot of white text at the top, maybe you could incorporate some more of the coloured boxes or underline something?

    You could also consider adding a tag line as you still haven't done this?

    All in all though, it's really good! Well done x

  2. i still really like the font you've used and how clear everything is, especially as only minimal colours have been used which makes it look really good. I like that you added more of the peach colour to the coverlines to make the 'plus' and Tiesto quote stand out more

    adding the QR code is a nice touch too

    you could still change some of the colours of the white writing for a bit more variety but otherwise, its really good x

  3. This front cover is confident, clear and genre specific. The front image is powerful and draws in your target audience and the colour template is understated and professional. The only thing I might add would be a tag line or something that specifically captures the essence of the type of magazine it is. I can see great progress from your first version, the cover lines are looking much better now.

  4. I like the changes you have made to the cover lines but agree that you should maybe try adding some coloured text to add some variety to the large amount of white at the top. I think a selling line would be great but you would not want in covering the model's face so may not be practical plus I'm sure you've already tried it. All in all I really like the muted colour scheme which suits your chosen genre and target audience, and the font looks great too, glad you didn't change that!
